i know, i know…long time no blog. i have no excuse really, well aside from the fact that i have been crazy busy…and sleeping alot more than usual. yes, it is true, we have baby #4 on the way - due July 11th and for some reason I cannot stay up until the wee hours of the morning working on pictures and blogging anymore!! I have so much to share, but quite honestly the thought of blogging takes me to straight to the edge. i try to keep up with it..really i do, but night after night, i myself doing something, anything but blogging..chatting, facebooking, scrapbooking (I realized that my #1 child has 5 scrapbooks and my #3 child is yet to have one, so I have been working like CRAZY to get hers somewhat going!!) so this is what we have been up to the last few weeks, the boys went icefishing with Dave and his dad, Leah had her birthday, LOTS of movie watching, Nash broke his nose by falling off of a stool and having it land on his him, and yes we did have christmas BUT my camera broke the day before so I had to use my point and shoot, which is fine just not really worth sharing! Now I am back to scrapbooking and trying to keep Nash off the injured list!!